SPRING 2025 rush Info

We’re so excited that Spring Rush 2025 is officially here! Scroll down to find a guide to everything you need to join our chapter and keep an eye on our Instagram for the latest updates.

Have questions about the rush process? Click to scroll to our Rush FAQ below

Recruitment video

Check out our Spring ‘25 recruitment video to get a glimpse of what we’re all about!

Attend an Info Session

Session 1: Wednesday, February 19th @5:30PM

Smith 120

Session 2: Thursday, February 20th @5:30PM

Smith 120

An opportunity to learn about our fraternity, ask questions, and preregister for rush. Not required, but highly encouraged!

Meet the Brothers

MTB1: Mon, February 24th @5:30PM

Perkins Bacchus Theater

MTB2: Wed, February 26th @5:30PM

Perkins Bacchus Theater

Our first round of the rush process. Choose one night of MTB to attend!

Next Steps?

Join the email list and follow us on Instagram to stay in the loop on all things AKPsi!


  • AKPsi takes pride in developing principled business leaders. Thus, we look for potential new members who express thorough interests in business, are motivated to succeed, and are committed to the brotherhood that our fraternity provides. Driven students who value service, hold themselves to a high standard of integrity, and value lifelong friendships and connections align themselves with the values and of Alpha Kappa Psi. 

  • A minimum GPA of 2.8 is encouraged.

  • No! While our brothers share a common interest in business, we welcome students from all majors. 

  • By joining our brotherhood, you will surround yourself with like-minded, driven individuals who will be there to help you in any way they can. Our mission is to help every brother reach their full potential by providing you with leadership opportunities and expanding your personal network. In addition, we offer exclusive connections to employers as well as a wide range of professional development workshops that will help you achieve success.

  • Yes! We believe in building a strong brotherhood. For that reason, we have a big/little system, intramural sports teams, participate in Homecoming & Greek Week, have fun events at places like Launch Trampoline and Milburn Orchards, and much more.

  • Nope, we ask that you only attend one night so that we can have more time to get to know each potential new member.

  • 15-20 Notecards with the following information on one side:

    • Name

    • Year

    • Major(s)

    • Hometown

    • Fun fact!

  • Yes! Plan on showing up 10 minutes before the start of either MTB session and sign up at the table in the hallway!

  • No! Dress in your everyday clothes. Whatever you will feel the most comfortable and confident in!

Further Questions/concerns?

Contact our VP of Membership, Paige Blotner, in the form below or at udelakpsi.svpm@gmail.com